RSGd - Gas Filling Machine

RSGd - Gas Filling Machine

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Details for RSGd-4:

RSGd 4

Upgradeable for one hole filling capability
Two hole filling; vertical fill or tilted > 10 degrees
Includes FDR gas sensor and computer control
Gas sensor meter for visual display of filling process
Gas flow shuts off automatically when IG unit is full
Flow Rate = 9-18 Liters per minute (dependent on exhaust hole size)

Time to fill = (2 hole filling) 100 seconds*
Complete with filling lance, sniffler, bottle regulator, and hoses
Designed and manufactured in North America, serviced worldwide


RSGd 4 Exterior Front View
Reference #
FDR Part #
1 RSGd Legend 10528
2 Legend Plate - Power 10453
3 RSGd, RSGh Face Plate 10241
4 Hoyt Analog Meter, 0-4.9VDC, 60 on Center 11479
5 FDR Sniffler Logo 10630
6 Horn 5-8-F Piezo Alarm 11100
7 Handles, 8" 11158
8 Maintained Pushbutton Actuator, Green 11244
9 Momentary Pushbutton Actuator, Green 11245
10 RSGh - Red - Push Button Legend 11491
11 RSGh - Blue - Push Button Legend 11492
12 RSGh - Green - Push Button Legend 11493
13 RSGh - Yellow - Push Button Legend 11494
14 Bulkhead Fitting - M10 x 1  11104
15 Legend Plate - FDR 10461
16 Black Plastic Fan Guard 11114
RSGd 4 Exterior Back View
Reference #
FDR Part #
17 Side Plate Right Hand 11641
18 Argon Gas Sensor Board Assy, Rev 1.68.01A 10198
19 Din rail (Aluminum) 3 1/2" 11339
20 Insulation Grommets 11332
21 Fuse Holder 11127
22 Side Plate Left Hand 11640
23 9 pin square flange 11108
24 1-12" Dial 0-30 psi 11197
25 Regulator 11166
26 PLC 24 vdc Input/Output IP1612DC 11293
27 SPST On-Off Calibrate Switch Sensor O-Ride 11174
28 RSG25 Back 10163
RSGd 4 Interior Front View
Reference #
FDR Part #
29 Mini Fan 115 vac 11115
30 Black Plastic Fan Guard 11114
31 Gas Sensor Support Bracket 10042
32 Gas Sensor Element, Orange Leads 10199
33 Gas Sensor manifold block 10240
34 Omron Temperature Controller 11474
35 8 Pin Octal Type Socket 11184
36 Vac Pump 3 & 4 11219
RSGd 4 Interior Back View
Reference #
FDR Part #
37 Sheet Metal - Base Plate 10246
38 DN-M10 Mini Term Block PLC Direct Dinectors 11360
39 DN-EB15 End Bracket 11361
40 DN-2JM10 Jumper 12 Pole 11363
41 DN-ECM10 End Cover 11362
42 Power Supply 2.4 amp 24vdc (3&4) 11156
43 Solid State Relay 24 vdc/240 vac 10 amp 11194
44 Vac Pump 3 & 4 11219
45 Muffler 11099
46 1/4 OD Hose x 1/8 thread Pro-Fit Male Connector 11756
47 1/4 OD Hose x 1/8 Thread Pro-Fit Male Elbow Swivel 11752
48 Hi-Flow, 24 vdc Mac valve 11206
RSGd 4 Interior Side View
Reference #
FDR Part #
49 1/4" x 1/8-27 Barbed Fitting (Nylon) 10802
50 Type J Thermocouple 11146
51 1/4 x 1/8 Stem Adaptor 11759
52 1.2mm Nylon Barb Fitting Assembly Complete 10555


* The "Time To Fill" that is listed for the individual machines is based on the following sized unit:

Unit Size:


21/32" - 0.665" - 17mm
48" - 1220mm
24"- 610mm
767 cubic inches - 0.44 cubic feet - 12.6 liters
8 square feet - 0.74 square meters

Note: There are a large number of variables when considering time to fill. The "Time To Fill" example is the result of filling an actual unit >90% using argon gas.